Right Fit Solution - Tenant and Owner Occupant Representation

REAL ESTATE ADVISORS’ goal in our representation of Tenant and Owner Occupants is to make the clients real estate facilities operate at a higher and more efficient level. The objectives of this Nine Step User Advisory Process are to:

  • Save our client’s Money
  • Save our client’s Time
  • Reduce our client’s Risk


Step 1 - The Ground Floor Evaluation
Analysis of Client’s Objectives - and facility needs to determine client's short and long termshort- and long-term real estate requirements.
Define client's real estate requirements and selection criteria.
Define a preliminary occupancy plan.
Review current and relevant real estate market conditions.
Develop plan, if appropriate, for disposing of existing space.
Create the basis for search parameters.
Establish action plan for Step 2 and a preliminary project timetable.

Step 2 - The Market Survey
Identify all logical alternatives in the market which could satisfy client's requirements and reduce them to a short list for a more comprehensive evaluation.
Prepare a comprehensive list of alternatives in the market.
Apply selection criteria and reduce to a short list of selected alternatives.
Specify alternatives for site tour and prepare tour schedule.
Review conclusions and recommendations and further reduce list of alternatives, if appropriate.
Factor in REA database research to insure that all space options have been considered.
Review and refine action plan for Step 3.

Step 3 – The Site Selection
Start with the overall market and refine the list down to specific property that could meet the client's key objectives.
Take the work of the first two phases to create a tour list.
Physically tour and rate the list of properties.
Prepare preliminary space plan for each alternative and compare.
Evaluate and compare the alternatives.
Further reduce the alternatives to a "short list" of targeted properties.
Obtain internal approvals to proceed with properties to receive the formal Request for Proposal.

Step 4 - The Strategic Blueprint
Select the alternatives which best satisfy the client's needs -- request terms and conditions to provide a basis for future evaluation.
Define negotiating objectives, roles, responsibilities, and authority.
Submit request for proposal to selected properties.
Work with property to gain a quick and complete response.
Define negotiating strategy

Step 5 – The Best Fit Function
Commence “test-fit” planning within selected properties to define best fit and function.
Simultaneously with RFP process, request test fit plans from "short list" properties.
Design space to fit requirement taking traffic flow and need for employees interaction into account.
Convert all plans to a like format.
If possible, have one architect complete all plans for consistency.
Evaluate that plans fit the entire requirement and quantify square footage requirement.

Step 6 - The Alternative Analysis
Financial review of the RFP responses.
Analyze and compare financial components of each RFP response.
Quantify any unanswered points or "gray" area responses.
Run financial evaluation and rank responses.
Run second evaluation on business terms matrix form.
Compare evaluation forms to select building finalists.
Obtain client approval to proceed with negotiations in Phase VII.

Step 7 - The Contract Negotiations
Negotiate optimal business terms that meet the long-range and strategic goals of client.
Define negotiating point priorities.
Submit counter proposals to finalists.
Conduct in-person negotiations with final selected property.
Negotiate key lease clauses and language.
Execute purchase agreements or lease documents.

Step 8 - The Construction
Value engineering with focus on time linestimelines to produce the best finished space within the budget parameters.
Finalize space plans into construction documents.
Review location of power, telco and lighting to match each employees location within the space.
Review and complete finish schedule (color selections).
Coordinate moving schedule to construction schedule.
Schedule/attend construction progress meetings as required.

Step 9 - The Move
Coordinate moving process to allow for the least amount of business interruption.